Friday, May 30, 2008

All my pregnant friends....

This is Amber and Clayton. I was in showchoir with Clayton in high school and Amber and I have become friends through Mindy here recently. She is so sweet and is one of the most radiant pregnant people I've ever known! I only wish I glowed half as much as she did when I was pregnant. Their sweet little man is now a month old! Before they know it, he'll be two and they'll be wondering where the time has gone!

Blake was my friend in high school and then William's roommate for, what was it, two years? His family is so cute! Mindy was about 9 months pregnant with Miss Julia Lennon who has since arrived and is not exactly what I expected. I expected a Nora clone, and she is very different from Nora, with lots of dark hair! They are moving to Tennessee in the coming weeks and I will miss them SO much, but I'm so happy that they found such a great opportunity!
This is my friend from high school, Magan. Her beautiful baby boy was born about a month after this and is growing like a weed! Since they live in Mesquite I haven't seen him other than on Myspace, but he's so adorable!

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